Let a PCC librarian guide your students through the research process! Our research sessions provide customized instruction tailored to your assignment and your students' needs.

We offer sessions both in-person and online via Zoom. We ask that you request sessions as far in advance as possible, and a minimum of two weeks before your desired date. Instructors must attend research sessions along with their students.

To get started, please email Kathryn McGuire at kmcguire2@022aode.com or fill out the form below.

What We Do

Research sessions help students become information literate and provide customized, course-specific instruction. Here are a few of the concepts we routinely cover:

  • Getting help from a librarian
  • Choosing and refining a topic
  • Identifying useful keywords / search terms
  • Finding books and ebooks in the library catalog
  • Finding articles in subscription databases, including scholarly journals
  • Evaluating the credibility of sources
  • Citing sources properly

Tips for Great Research Sessions

  • Submit your research session request at least two weeks in advance
  • Schedule the session when your students are actively working on a research project or paper
  • Share a copy of the assignment and your expectations for the session with the librarian beforehand
  • Attend the session along with your class and participate as appropriate

We look forward to working with you and your students.

Library Research Session Request Form